Day 14- July 19, 2022

Group 1 [5-7 year olds]

Component: Language Structure

Learning Outcomes: 

Use an adjective to describe animal, person, place or object

Modify a noun with an adjective in original speech or writing


Component: Comprehension

Learning Outcomes: 

Discuss the causes of events in videos, stories and non fiction texts

Group 2 [8-9 year olds]

Component: Comprehension

Learning Outcomes: 


Recall information from stories, poems and  non-fiction texts presented orally

Language Structure:

Construct simple noun-verb-noun sentences correctly in original writing

Group 1 [5-7 year olds]

Areas of learning/content standards: Multiplication and division

Topics/subtopics: Multiplication/repeated addition

Group 2 [8-9 year olds]

Areas of learning/content standards: Multiplication and Division

Topics/subtopics: Multiplication