Let's Catch Up Summer Camp 2023
What is this about?
This project seeks to mitigate the impact of the learning loss caused by the closure of
schools in Belize during the COVID-19 pandemic. The learning gap for students between
the ages of 5 and 9 must be addressed, particularly in literacy and numeracy. A solid
foundation in these areas is critical to ensure their success in the future. Students must
be able to read, write, and comprehend at or beyond their grade level.
How will we do it?
Thirty schools across the country will be used as Learning Centers for this summer camp. Each Learning Center will have 4 rooms set for students, and each classroom will have the capacity to hold a maximum of 20 students. It is anticipated that approximately 2,400 students — almost 7% of the in-school
population of the 5 to 9 age group — will benefit from the in-class interactions at the Learning Centers. Each classroom will be provided with a Learning Tool Kit, to ensure that resources and manipulatives are on hand for the students and teachers.
The program is designed around a 4 week cycle. Upon completion of the cycle, all learning materials for this program will be hosted on the Ministry’s 501academy YouTube channel and website.
This program will target students in the Infant 1 to Standard 3 group. The average age for students in this group ranges from 5 to 9. Evaluations indicate that the educational development of this group of students is the most affected by the disruptions to schools caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Learning Centres
St. John Vianney RC
St. Martin de Porres
Hattieville Government
Caye Caulker RC Primary
New Horizon SDA
Mount Carmel Primary
Sacred Heart RC
United Evergreen Primary
Santa Clara/San Roman RC
Mary Hill RC
Corozal Methodist
Orange Walk
Louisiana Government
San Estevan RC
San Jose Government
Stann Creek
Our Lady of Bella Vista RC
Independence Primary
Sacred Heart RC
Little Flower RC
San Luis Rey RC
St. Benedict RC