Week 7: August 8, 2022

Group 1 [5-7 year olds]

Component: Production

Learning Outcomes: 

Identify the letters that represent the sounds /s/

Identify individual sounds in the beginning of single spoken words

Read short words that include given target sounds /s/ /a/

Accompany rhymes and songs with simple actions

Group 2 [8-9 year olds]


Component: Reading Fluency and Accuracy


Learning Outcomes: 


Play with rhyme by changing familiar poems and nursery rhymes 

Recognize words ending with common spelling patterns ss

Read words containing the variant spelling pattern



Predict with reasons what happens next in a story or description of real events


Group 1 [5-7 year olds]

Areas of learning/content standards: Numbers & number Operations 

Topics/subtopics: Comparing Numbers

Group 2 [8-9 year olds]

Areas of learning/content standards: Numbers & number Operations

Topics/subtopics: Rounding Numbers