Author name: moe

Jesus Ken

I went with my friend and writer Rick Moguel to visit Jesus Ken in Succotz, Cayo. It was an immersive experience. I remember thinking of those St. John’s College students who staged, for a history project, a cañero rebellion in the context of the moment we call in Belize, the Cañeros Movement . All the

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That for once is more. Luck is not a factor. Though I’d like it to be. There is no mathematical reason why any country should automatically produce, 10-15-20 years into its formal existence, such a high ratio of artists per head of population.  Today ZERO enters the Casa de las Americas, almost exactly 20 years

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Good Belizeans

This collection of letters offers a window into the mind and actions of George Cadle Price, the Father of the Nation and a Belizean National Hero. Born on 15 January 1919, Price dedicated his life to leading the country from colonial rule to self-government and independence. Price’s life was marked by a deep commitment to

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Chinchi Poems

Many visitors will read these words. You should know that you hold a small slice of one of Belize’s most prolific lyrical dub poet, known to his country people as The Grandmaster.  Born in Belize (1967) Leroy Young, the Grandmaster grew up in Belize City, specifically Pinks Alley. The cultural space where cruise tourists disembark

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