eBelize Library

The road to Independence



new belizean art

Characters & Caricatures

in Belizean Folklore

Free Yu Mind

A Community talk with Aondofe Iyo

Latta Pichaz

from a small country


The Last Alcalde of San Jose Yalbac


Land Art Park

The Grandmaster

the best of the dub poet's works


1919 Revolution

Climb Walk Dive

Adventures of Rowan Garel

Hope in Sarteneja

The Adventures of Jorge Verde

Lessons in Living
Andy Palacio


Belize creative

new art from master artisans and artists

@ 40 conversations on decolonization


Belize- A Moment of Change
Bembe Vision

leadership notes for the Belizean classroom

Rockville Declaration
Gulisi Garifuna Museum

Requiem to a Movement


Requiem to a Movement

Factri to Factory

an art happening @ La Libertad

Free Belize Now!
the Constitution as supreme law

a manual on the Constitution and your rights

Individual Rights

a manual on the Constitution and your individual rights

The Sustainable Human Development of Belize

A New Approach for a Better Future

The People Who Carved Jades and their Descendants
The Primer on the People Called Garifuna

the things you have always wanted to know


Flight of 6 Belizean Women

A Framework for Voter Education
The Time to Save Your Country

Philip S.W. Goldson Biography of a National Hero

The Art of Belize, Then and Now
A History of Slavery & Emancipation in Belize
Let Belize Live

Speeches of the Premier, Father of the Nation George Price

A Walk Through El Cayo
A Walk Through Old Belize
A Walk Through Dangriga
chinchi poems
George Price

Journey of a Belizean Hero

The Maya Forest Garden of El Pilar